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[PR] Removes additional access from Security Officers and Heads of Security on the...
(10-20-2023, 01:01 AM)Dhaidburt Wrote: To pull from another thread talking about HoS and Captain, the HoS is given p damn high authority in the pecking order comporable to the captain. Because of that, and the fact that not every joe on the street can be a HoS, I say they should keep it. Gives them the ability to make things smoother without bothering the AI, and taking them out can be a huge win for antags trying to utilize access

This is a personal opinion of mine, but I really think that the greater perception of the HoS role would benefit from not being seen as highly on the pecking order as they presently are. We've got people legitimately saying that the HoS has more authority than the Captain sometimes. It makes me sad.

We can blow up doors, smash walls, and are an intrinsically trusted role on the station. Surely we can make do without the expanded access? Even HoP doesn't get the same level of access, and *they're* higher on the chain of command.

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RE: [PR] Removes additional access from Security Officers and Heads of Security on the... - by DisturbHerb - 10-20-2023, 02:16 AM

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