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New midround antag - Tigraki liquidator
(10-13-2023, 06:10 PM)unfunnyperson Wrote: I don't think this is really unique enough to be its own antag at the moment. It feels like a weird mix of being hunter but also spy and salvager? Not a fan of giving them security gear as part of their default toolkit either.

In addition, single randomly chosen targets are too restrictive. The liquidator could be pitted against a staffie or roll the head of security/some nerd about to leave for an azone.

I would rather hunter be fleshed out rather than add a new antagonist that's hunter but a syndicate agent.

Its definitely important to note here that this antag in general still needs more time in the conceptual oven before any code work commences, major changes to some of these things are likely as a lot of it is still getting worked out in my head. Stuff like the toolkit for example needs major fleshing out and there are things that I want the liquidator to be (for example very slippery, good crowd control but minimal group damage), that just aren't fleshed out enough to be able to reflect in this forum post.

The conceptualization for this antag started out as me thinking about roleplay hunter, so the similarities aren't a coincidence. I think hunter can fill a really cool niche for roleplay (Stalking someone down is always fun), but I dont really think it fits roleplay just because it's just murder for the sake of murder and also its literally just the predator from the movie predator (Not to mention its toolkit is a bit too rampagey). 

Im not opposed to this replacing hunter outright with this as in my unbiased opinion I think it just fits the game better. Thematically, its something more unique to the setting (Space blackwater gets hired to claim bounties on NT employees) instead of just the predator still from the movie predator, thus making it roleplayable (you can invent reasons why you're doing what your doing and why there's a bounty on someone), and mechanically, it actually has a gameplay loop instead of just killing for the sake of killing (you can technically allow you to buy stuff with skull points or whatever but that just seems blegh). Im not gonna push this as a hunter revamp because I think I'll have in general a harder time with that, but if people are interested in this replacing hunter outright Im definitely not opposed as I think its currently one of our more meh antags.

The reskinned baton is mostly there just so roleplay peeps can kidnap people + I want this antag to be very strong on single targets without giving them a syndie knife reskin and I think the lethal baton is a way of doing this. The toolkit in general though is definitely pretty fluid and can change, if there's a better way of doing this I won't say no. 

The bounty system is still pretty fluid right now in general. Im not opposed giving two or so bounties roundstart but I do want it to be small so you're actually focusing on someone instead of rampaging and just going oh neat some extra vendor points. How much of a problem this is is also partially something that just needs playtesting to dictate. I like the core idea of having basically no info on the target as it can force you to do things like raid hop/hack to get the manifest, but that may prove to be too harsh as well. My idea for the guy getting hos thing was to just blacklist certain jobs from being bounty targets early on (probably blacklist mining, sec, and heads). Later on you can roll bounties for these jobs but these offer extra bounty points. 

I am definitely struggling with how to deal with people off station though + the rewarding of bounties (ie someone dies without your involvement). My main idea for the former is some sort of player tracker that only works when people are off z level. The latter is still something Im dealing with as cloning can throw it into whack. My main idea at the moment is rewarding half the points when your target dies (only works once), and rewarding the other half of points when the liquidator uses a tool on the corpse that makes them unclonable. Ideas on how to deal with these things would be highly appreciated, I dont think theyre dealbreakers but I do think they are challenges.

Messages In This Thread
New midround antag - Tigraki liquidator - by Ikea - 10-13-2023, 02:10 PM
RE: New midround antag - Tigraki liquidator - by Ikea - 10-13-2023, 07:13 PM

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