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Mentor complaint: Klayboxx, LLJK 2, 10/24/13 appx 4:00 AM
I agree I haven't been up to snuff, and I planned myself to take a break from the game for awhile,since I think I'm just getting bored and therefore want to fuck around more than I should.

Skunkrocker, you are really sensationalizing the whole thing though. I shot one person for making bad jokes. And yeah, I was talked to an admin about it and I realize it wasn't A Good Thing - but seriously you don't have to make it sound worse than it is. You do this throughout your entire post.

Skunkrocker that round absolutely was not innocent. I hadn't done anything to him that round, I only followed him into the AI's lounge for fun. I stood there for the entire time he uploaded the law and I only messed with him briefly by turning the stun turret on when it was aiming at me and it shot the glass and didn't even touch him. Then he uploaded a law and suddenly the AI and borgs started insulting me, so I kinda giggled but I knew they'd lock me down and be generally annoying so I went and grabbed the reset module so I could reset the AI. I got it, but was stunned by the AI and it left the stun turret on, so once I was un-stunned I shot it with my laser gun so I wouldn't continue to be stunned. Then the AI bolted the door for whatever reason so I was stuck in there for quite a good amount of time.

Then Skunkrocker came back and asked the AI to let him in the room I was in. At this point, I was fairly annoyed so when the door opened I stunned him, and yeah farted in his face - who cares? I then went into the AI upload, shot the turret since I already knew the AI would turn them on while I was inside, and reset it. I then cuffed Skunkrocker and brought him to security. I went straight there, and he suicided while we were in security, so it's bullshit when he says 'he dragged me SOMEWHERE'. He knew where I took him. I intended to ask him why he had uploaded a law that made the AI lock me down etc. since I figured he may have been a traitor trying to lock down security or something but he spits out a tear stained message about how I abused my position etc etc and then instantly commits suicide. I really don't know why he had done that because if he had just said "Well I didn't like how you acted last round so I decided to fuck with you." I would have told him off but let him go.

Also, it's most definitely not an OK thing destroying every fucking AI card because of a cross round grudge.

I'm not excusing my other actions however. I know I've been abusing my power somewhat and like I said at the beginning of this post I'm taking a break from the game to kinda refresh myself on it.

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