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[PR] Farts to have 3 second cooldown
(10-05-2023, 09:13 AM)According_tome Wrote: I like the idea, this stops the requirement of pressing f button repeatedly for engineering and doesn't allow the fart spam in general.

This is explicitly not fixing the engineering problem; you just need to press F slightly less often but for just as long.

(10-05-2023, 09:05 AM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: Given that people can basically move around and act mostly normally until they're in crit, at which point you've basically killed them if they don't get help, "just beating them up" isn't going to really do anything to an annoying fart spam guy since you'd have to break the rules to *actually* stop them.

At the same time, if someone beats you into near-crit, you're well within your rights to fight back. So now this is a lethal brawl. Even if no rules are technically broken (you beat them up a bit to try to make them stop, they fight back to stop you from beating you up, you kill them to stop them from killing you, none of which was against the rules), this leads to "valid baiting" behavior like how TG has.

People will try to annoy you to the point of beating them up so they can use "Self defense" as a point to kill you. When we go look at the logs later, it will be difficult for us to parse if they were valid-baiting or if this was just a fluke of a moment, since intent that's clear in the game is harder to see in the logs without witness testimony.

Overall, it's a worsening of culture to solve this sort of problem with "just beat them up." It's less clear cut than stealing something, breaking a window, etc. leading to you getting beaten up

My disagreement with you is that:

1. You assume every escalation is going to result in murder, because there's no other way to get someone to stop

That's why you beat them up, and if they don't stop, yes, you beat them into crit. That's the whole point of someone being annoying: do something about it.

This same argument leads right into why people don't fight back against antags until they're 200% confirmed, because otherwise Oh No I'll Get A Talking To.

2. People fighting and killing themselves as non-antagonists is not a universal bad thing. I already know you're going to write some long-winded argument against this: I do not care. This is a social deduction game where the roles of players is intentionally not clear. Sometimes mistakes will happen. If I go out of my way to annoy the shit out of you in a "I'm not touching you!" way I fully expect to be beaten up or arrested for it.

3. If it really is such an epidemic that people will use this as a way to get people to attack them until they can lethal in return... then the problem solves itself? If you get a report that Jon Shits murdered someone over farting, and you look at the logs and see Jon Shits instigated fights with several people... do something about it, because that player is clearly doing self-antagging shit. We have notes for a reason. You can just leave a "I suspect this person is being shit by getting people to fight them". We already do this.

All I see of your points is "I don't want players to have conflict outside of sanctioned roles" and "This lets players be bad sometimes and that makes my job harder". Which, valid, I guess, but also conflict is good. Otherwise you end up with the current status quo, where everyone complains about people being mean but nobody wants to do anything about it.

I mean, christ, the mere suggestion of "just punch someone who's annoying you" was replied to with "but that's grief!" People do not feel empowered to actually do anything themselves and instead rely on Security or someone else handling it for them.


Edit: As a point, the "it's hard to figure out" is a completely made-up excuse. If you can look at the logs, you can very clearly see if Jon Shits is mashing the F button, and you can very clearly see when someone attacks them for it. If it's still somehow unclear who did what you add a note to both players saying "got in a fight with (other player) over farting", and when you find the person who accumulates three of these you've found the problem player. It is not that hard.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: [PR] Farts to have 5 second cooldown - by Cal - 09-30-2023, 08:42 AM
RE: [PR] Farts to have 3 second cooldown - by Cal - 09-30-2023, 12:54 PM
RE: [PR] Farts to have 3 second cooldown - by Cal - 10-01-2023, 06:06 AM
RE: [PR] Farts to have 3 second cooldown - by Zamujasa - 10-05-2023, 10:56 AM

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