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Discussion for recent ion storm changes
I like it conceptually in that it gives the non laws-related part of ion storms a bit more weight, but I feel like alongside the laws-related part it ends up very tedious for a random unannounced event. The Ai loses a lot of ability to rescue people and also probably ends up compromised on some way, meaning the station really relies on having engineers. Which is often not a given.

Anything to do with ID access is inherently pretty scuffed because ID access is old techdebt code. Theres tons of unused ID accesses that make actually finding whatever youre looking for a pain, and a lot of the accesses are named rather unintuitively. The access pro is very archaic and the access lite is not able to change the access on doors that already have set access, leaving just busting down the door and building a new one as the most likely choice. This is unnecessarily tedious aside from being inelegant.

Overall, I would split ion storm into two events: "Memory Corruption" which is an unannounced event that is just the AI laws corruption and no other effects (allowing the AI to actually get to play around with their laws instead of getting fixed 3 nanoseconds after an APC turns off) and "Ion Storm" which is an announced event and is just the interference with station devices part and does not change laws. Ion storm as it stands is an extremely bloated event in terms of what it does and it ends up just feeling annoying whenever it rolls around (at least as engineer) because it means you're going to have like 5 unique flavors of pointless busywork to deal with for the next 15 minutes.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Discussion for recent ion storm changes - by Cherman0 - 09-28-2023, 06:35 PM

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