Complaint Jan.Antilles, Goon1, 26/09/23 approx 04:00 GMT+1
Hopefully this post addresses any points not already covered by other staff members.

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: that triggered me to use a word
Other people are not responsible for your actions. If you said something rulebreaking, it is your responsibility. If someone is griefing you, your recourse is to fight back and adminhelp if you do not think they are a traitor. Noticeably, you did not let staff know about what was taking place until you were told to not call people incels.

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: If you're going to move the goalposts in terms of what is considered "sexual content"
Rule 4 specifically states one thing that you appear to have missed. "If an admin tells you to knock something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere." You were told that calling someone an incel was a violation of rule 4. That means that what you said was a violation of rule 4 and breaks our rules. We have a list of examples of things that break rule 4. It is not exhaustive.

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: Are you incapable of prioritising between a non-slur vs non-antags making an in-game torture simulator?
We deal with people breaking the rules in whatever order we choose. It is not always in order of disruptiveness.

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: Thank you for being so helpful, communicative, impartial and empathetic
In rule 2, we tell our players that we try to treat them with basic respect, and ask that our players do the same for us. Jan told you that something you said broke our rules and asked if you understood that you should not say it again. You responded by saying "maybe" (which is not an answer) and immediately deflecting blame onto other players. This is not respectful of Jan or her time. Respect does not mean that someone has to be nice to you. It means that we aim to treat you as a human being with independent thoughts and feelings.

You also haven't been respectful to Jan at all in this thread. You do not treat her as an independent human being. You even compare her to a cop murdering an innocent civilian (but we will get to that).

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: "Hey, please don't do this" is not a question, and does not inherently merit a response (unless you worded it differently).
She did. Here is her message to you: "Don't call anyone an "incel." Abide by the language rules or play somewhere else. Understood?"

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: upped to a permaban because they weren't sufficiently groveling or supplicating at an admin's feet
Our ban appeals have been private for a while so I'm not sure where you heard this. What I will say is that an appeal is not a process guaranteed to get you out of a ban. When you appeal, you are trying to convince staff that you understand why you were banned and that you will not break our rules again. While it is not an automatic denial, if you treat us telling you to stop breaking our rules flippantly then we may decide that you shouldn't get the opportunity to break our rules again. Playing on our servers is a privilege that you keep by following our rules.

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: Are you naive enough to think that someone who just got griefed in such a manner is in a position to make measured, prompt responses?
Again, we expect that you treat our staff respectfully. It is not our fault that you were not able to keep a handle on your emotions in that situation. If you are feeling frustrated or upset when playing our game (or any, for that matter) please consider doing something else or stepping away. You are responsible for your own actions. Please stop trying to blame other people for your rulebreak.

(09-26-2023, 03:36 PM)MedEdbay Wrote: This whole situation reeks of the same cognitive dissonance of police getting called to a gun-armed break-in, and shooting the homeowner for holding a butter knife.
I don't need to say much here. Hopefully you'll understand that comparing a volunteer staff member for a silly online game to the horrifying and disgusting murders and executions of innocent people committed by the police is one of the wildest things you could possibly say.

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RE: Jan.Antilles, Goon1, 26/09/23 approx 04:00 GMT+1 - by Adhara In Space - 09-26-2023, 05:25 PM

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