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AZone 'void' corruption (please stop ruining azone loot, tsci nerds)
After reading this post... I think I can say this.

"This will be more a hinderance then a mechanic to stop abuse."

Alt acounts, newbies and such will be used.
I'd say just randomize loot locations.. as someone who did the void azone a lot... There are just some sections I will never go to cause: "It has nothing to find but death."
But by randomizing loot locations.. suddenly those weird pointless dead ends can suddenly be loot chests.

I am not saying this is a bad idea, it's a neat idea for sure.. It's just not what will deter players from using azones for loot. If anything... it will just make people spread the problem so everyone can get loot.
But if no one knows where the loot locations are... they can speedrun azones all they like but they will be detered by the random loot locations and enemy harrasment.

Why do you think players go into mining field more then the debris field? Cause the mining field could yield random fun loot!

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RE: AZone 'void' corruption (please stop ruining azone loot, tsci nerds) - by Kotlol - 09-22-2023, 10:45 AM

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