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The old longer shifts vs the now shorter shifts.
We've all been playing SS13 for a while and a while back, RP got a 30 min cut on their shifts for the better of most, but sometimes we wonder if we can have those 30 mins back to enjoy some of the fruits of our labor.

So today I wish to discuss the idea if we should have longer shifts on both classic and RP.. or leave things be?
Or maybe mix it up? Or split the servers into "short and long"

Eitherway.. I think it's time since it's been a long while since things were changed.

As for me...
I miss the older longer shifts more then enjoying the shorter ones.
As an antag I feel like I just ran out of time before I could do something big and have to rush to do something crazy before the shuttle arrives.
But I do recongise that security most of the time has nothing to do in those 2 hours.

Also classic people... I don't come often to your server, but don't you sometimes wish your round can be extended by 15/30 mins sometimes?
Especially if the antags die on their own stupidity or just didn't do much?

Anyway... let's debate this propperly and see if there is even a "need" for longer shifts to justify even bringing longer shifts into a rare rotation.

Messages In This Thread
The old longer shifts vs the now shorter shifts. - by Kotlol - 09-18-2023, 08:18 AM

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