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Lying down ontop of explosives makes the explosion weaker
this idea is so good i think it's actually two ideas?

1. As a simulation-focused game, actively covering an explosive with your body could be an interesting mechanic
This makes sense as a general mechanic for a specific class of explosive item i.e. a small-to-medium sized explosive item laying directly on the ground

2. The specific dramatic trope of a hero falling on a grenade, knowing (gruesome) death is 100% guaranteed
These should be custom suicides for dangerous, armed, grenade-like items.

Working on changing code to actually match this split - but given the conversation on the PR, wanted to see what people here think as well.

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RE: Lying down ontop of explosives makes the explosion weaker - by glowbold - 09-17-2023, 11:44 AM

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