09-15-2023, 11:10 PM
I think a lens would make alot of sense, but also I kinda want it so I could change the color of the laser getting shot out. Either that, or maybe the color of the lens could change the light? Extra fluff anyways
On the subject of overheating, I got an idea for what could happen in addition if the power cell doesn't get damaged when overheating: Straight up catch on fire! COV weapons in borderlands 3 have a funny animation where you just pour a bottle of water over them to get it fighting ready, and I think that'd be a funny mechanic.. or at least see a staffy pick up your flaming gun and catch fire themselves.
Either that, or just have a coolant built in, but I'm not sure what could be as ubiquitous as welding fuel (used in slamgun ammo) that isn't just water. Sick sprites btw!
On the subject of overheating, I got an idea for what could happen in addition if the power cell doesn't get damaged when overheating: Straight up catch on fire! COV weapons in borderlands 3 have a funny animation where you just pour a bottle of water over them to get it fighting ready, and I think that'd be a funny mechanic.. or at least see a staffy pick up your flaming gun and catch fire themselves.
Either that, or just have a coolant built in, but I'm not sure what could be as ubiquitous as welding fuel (used in slamgun ammo) that isn't just water. Sick sprites btw!