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Cyborg QoL - and feedback concerning #15759
(09-15-2023, 12:47 PM)durin Wrote: In my experience, it is humiliating not having cyborg accessibility in the same sense that playing Cogmap 1 with a wheelchair gets you flung off from stairs you *have* to cross every few minutes, depending on how much you have to move from place to place. It's a problem that shouldn't be there, but it is.

hey, I've sort of just been watching this thread from the sidelines, as I'm not really a silicon main at all and think there are people who are both more informed and more opinionated on the matters brought up than I am. but, uh, this take really rubs me the wrong way. I don't know if I'm just particularly irked at it because I'm physically disabled in real life, or because I play a character in a wheelchair pretty often (and personally don't have much of an issue with stair fling), or if I'm just frustrated at the rhetoric employed, but this strikes me as a very tunnel-visioned assessment.

playing a borg in this game is a choice, for the most part. even if someone's forcibly borged, they can simply eject their brain if they don't want to be one. to frame the minor limitations of being a borg as a shameful flaw, rather than A Part Of Their Design Philosophy. strikes me as either somewhat disingenuous or really misguided. comparing them to a disability is similarly irritating, since you can literally just... not play as a borg. and, hell, plenty of non-silicons on station ask for help for all sorts of minor stuff all the time! I don't see why it's so humiliating to ask someone to unpack some cheese hunks onto a table to help you out. this is a game, and unlike real life, requiring assistance is very much something you have the power to opt into and out of as you see fit. and a game without small problems (that can easily be overcome with the right solutions, mind you) is, well, not really a game, at the end of the day

I don't know, sorry if I'm like going off the rails here. it just kinda irks me when people compare long-standing silicon design philosophy to things like disability, especially since it's really easy to just flavor a human character like an android if you want to play as a robot but think the more intentional clunk that comes with borgs is that embarrassing or w/e

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cyborg QoL - and feedback concerning #15759 - by Waffleloffle - 09-15-2023, 02:02 PM

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