09-14-2023, 02:01 PM
(09-14-2023, 12:53 PM)Sord213 Wrote: I've never liked sec having pseudo AA on rp anyways, especially considering classic sec gets along just fine with their access levels. Classic sec has enough access to get their foot into departments but not into the inner areas. If they need to get in somewhere else they should ask someone nearby or the AI. I like criminals being able to have somewhere sec can't immediately access, and have better routes of escape. Closing the door on sec's face and fleeing out the back door is much better for stories than sec just barging in and arresting you, imo. The only reason sec on RP has near AA is from the lowpop RP days where a department might only have one person and there wouldn't be an AI. We don't have this issue anymore.
this does happen on low pop but a different condition. I also am totally fine with the idea of security having less 'general' access? But again, different topic to the crematorium. Thats one they HAVE on classic too.
This DOES also mean that the whole headspider thing is alot more feasible, which does also net said ling a 10 dna pop.