09-07-2023, 01:05 AM
First: The only thing COMMaster really does is: Generate a packet.
Yes, shuttle calls/recalls are done using packets. Even if you don't notice it.
THAT is the reason why you can use packets to call/recall the shuttle.
If you remove that, you can't call or recall the shuttle.
The packet already has an authentication parameter, the netpass, which is round specific.
The problem is, sniffing that netpass is too easy - afaik guardbuddy controls use the same token.
(And in the past, you could unlock lockers with it, which was nerfed and now requires the security netpass.)
While you can guard the bridge (and by extension Captian's office), where COMMaster is preinstalled, COMMaster can be used on any computer with wired network access. COMMaster Disks can either be bought, found on the bridge (the auth-disk also has commaster on it)...
IMHO, making automatic recall machines should be AHELPed. (Btw, admins can disable shuttle recalls.)
But for me it is a different story if someone has to press a button to send the packet.
A different option might be to cycle the netpass after some time, or uses.
And maybe don't reuse the same token for GuardBuddies.
Yes, shuttle calls/recalls are done using packets. Even if you don't notice it.
THAT is the reason why you can use packets to call/recall the shuttle.
If you remove that, you can't call or recall the shuttle.
The packet already has an authentication parameter, the netpass, which is round specific.
The problem is, sniffing that netpass is too easy - afaik guardbuddy controls use the same token.
(And in the past, you could unlock lockers with it, which was nerfed and now requires the security netpass.)
While you can guard the bridge (and by extension Captian's office), where COMMaster is preinstalled, COMMaster can be used on any computer with wired network access. COMMaster Disks can either be bought, found on the bridge (the auth-disk also has commaster on it)...
IMHO, making automatic recall machines should be AHELPed. (Btw, admins can disable shuttle recalls.)
But for me it is a different story if someone has to press a button to send the packet.
A different option might be to cycle the netpass after some time, or uses.
And maybe don't reuse the same token for GuardBuddies.