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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Readster Wrote:To give more context, I was a mindslave with the job of stalling people while that happened.
Even more context. I was the horrible person actually doing it. I crept around the hallways dressed in a suit, top hat and a fake moustache (that I made out of a scientist, nyarharhar), along with an ID with the name "Strange Man" and the assignment "Oh god"

Then I would appear a distance away from my target, uncloak, point and grin before walking around a corner and recloaking. Eventually I would start uncloaking closer to them before finally unleashing the gibjuice. Chef Buttes got fast-tracked on account of having a gun in hand.

In the end I managed to escape alone, however not before running out of gibjuice and having to laser the last stragglers instead. The Strange Man lives to creep another day.

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