(08-28-2023, 09:15 AM)MorganFreeman Wrote:
Not to be rude but how often do you play on classic? I see lots of negativity towards classic from you in your posts but I don't think I've seen your character on classic and I only play on classic. I can agree there is some degree of meta in gangs but most people just give out their flyers randomly. But I have no idea what you mean about needing meta knowledge to survive on classic, firstly thats a rather vague blanket statement, secondly from my experience on classic its just not true.
I play infrequently, I 90% play RP, but do I jump on classic on a "randomized" charater every so often and I know some of the classic expirences.
It's fair to give this concern, but from every time I played Classic and I try to do a slower approach... or a goofier approach of things.. I get overrun by antags.
I have seen the meta problems of classic a few times myself and since I am "mr. random mcrandom" You do not see me at all.
Anyway... so yes I have an infrequent expirence.. but this is also true for RP since I only play at certain hours and days and when people complain about the WEREWOLF rampages on RP, I was like: "I never seen them rampage as described here, must be the times I play." Since I only had positive expirences with Wizards and Werewolves.
So you could say my expirences are "too infrequent"
I may sound negative of classic, but in my opinion. It's not my taste most of the time. And when I do want all action and reaction I hop into Classic.
Anyway this is a derailment of the topic and I have explained myself enough.
(also I got nothing else to add to this topic then this post)