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Making fuel for the nuclear reactor more accessible.
That too, but there's no personal responsibility to do the task. If Department A wants Department B to do something, and there's 8 employees in department B, diffusion of responsibility / social loafing takes effect. Players who cooperate with other departments, if cooperation is truly to be rewarded, should see a return on their investment, regardless of whether or not what they give is used.

Additionally, my personal feelings on such cooperation is that I simply do the task better, nine times out of ten. Mining is busy doing whatever, I hack their doors and grab tools, pull in cerenkite, slap some charges, grab ore and I'm out. Took me what, 3 minutes? 5? It'd take mining ten minutes most shifts for the same thing. I'm sorry, but at least on main (RP this would be a no-no, fine, okay), I end up benefiting from NOT relying on other departments. See what I mean? Trusting other players to do something for me adds risk, and often takes longer. I imagine this is a big reason as to why cooperation doesn't happen.

This wouldn't particularly matter if I was just goofing around, but when I have a set plan in mind, which has a real time limit, the clock is ON. It's not reasonable to expect mining to dedicate their time for me, and then get nothing in return. So, instead of that, the end result is I, the player, find a way to do it on my own.

I'm not sure how this gets solved really, except to have job requests you can send, and then have those job requests accepted by another player, who is then responsible for the task. That can currently be done with communication like "Hey (x), you're a (job), right? Can you do (y) for me?", but again, there's no "I'll give you (z) in return", or even the guaruntee that player (x) will WANT (z). And honestly, because Goon's atmosphere doesn't pressure anyone to do anything in particular, I don't think interdepartmental cooperation should be forced, either. Let engineers mine cerenkite, it's whatever.

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RE: Making fuel for the nuclear reactor more accessible. - by Meggal Bozale - 08-22-2023, 11:26 AM

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