Mentor Application - MeggalBozale (Dr. Romayne)
Usual character name: Dr. Romayne
BYOND username: MeggalBozale
Discord username: Dr. Romayne (mynameisromayne)
Recommended by: N/A
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 1: Classic (Heisenbee)

Brief Introduction:
Hey! I'm Dr. Romayne, you'll almost always see me on Classic, and you've surely seen me around if you've played the past few weeks. If you haven't seen me around, I'm more of a research-role player who likes to run around and see what crazy things I can get up to. I like to go in deep with game mechanics, and if I can take the time, to help out anyone who needs it. Way, way back, you might of heard of me as James Pen. I've also used this character for a shift or three on RP.

Reason for application:
The main reason I am applying is because I believe being a mentor would give me more opportunities to help teach new players. Having played the game for as long as I have, there is a lot of knowledge on game mechanics I have accumulated, much of which I would love to pass down to newer players. So far, I have! When I see that a new player is struggling with a mechanic, or perhaps trying to learn something like the reactor, I'll stop what I'm doing to see if I can lend a hand. (Of course, if they wanna figure it out themselves, more power to 'em. But some things you just gotta ask, like how to slide and such.) To note my most memorable experience (and heads up, even that's a foggy memory, I certainly will not recall this perfectly), I was in the minimedbay of cog1 with another doctor, who in some way or another asked for help with doctoring. Immediately I went to teaching them the basics; your health scanner, the auto-menders, damage types, all that jazz. We had no wounded to wait around for, so I opted to use myself as a punching bag to teach the doctor how to heal brute damage. And from the heavens, all of a sudden, descended a test dummy! I was very glad for this, and proceeded to use the test dummy (rather than myself, I think? Again, foggy memory, my brain goes more to the moment than remembering it.) to continue teaching the doc to doctor. Definitely my favorite teaching moment, and I learned that it was fun for me, too. As it turns out, I enjoy teaching players about the game!

Game Experience
As for my experience, I have a foundational knowledge of every job, except perhaps ranching. I know the most about science, engineering, and medical. I can setup all forms of generators, and I've gotten quite good with the Nuclear Reactor. I have extensive knowledge of toxins (though not quite canbomb-level), as well as hull repair and some mechcomp. I have the most experience in doctoring/genetics/robitics, where I spent the majority of my formative time as a player. I'd say I know everything there is about doctoring, 'cept there's always something to learn, and claiming I know everything of anything would be foolish. And that keeps me going! (But seriously, I'm very well versed in doctoring.)

Previous bans:
*Autobanner bot thought I was somebody else once and permabanned me, appeal was sent and accepted

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application - MeggalBozale (Dr. Romayne) - by Meggal Bozale - 08-22-2023, 07:38 AM

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