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Make damage knock you out of stamina-stuns
Too universal and ‘stiff’ of a mechanic IMO. For me, a stun second-chance mechanic should be:
1. Intuitive based on in-universe expectations
2. Situation-dependent to strategize around
3. Explicitly limited in activation count and regeneration
4. Trade an immediate short-term gain for a severe long-term loss.

If I were to suggest a thing, it’d be a new, higher-depletion chemical “Natural Adrenaline” distinct from Epi. It would only carry stamina recovery and/or stun reduction (amounts/kinds tuned for balance) positive effects, and as a drawback it rolls for Shock with chance scaling severely with duration inside you. Tie it to a new Adrenaline Gland organ (chest;scalpel-scalpel-spoon), which would slowly accumulate a small store (e.g. 10-20u), which it would inject some but not all of under the combined conditions of:
1. You are conscious
2. You receive a lot of Brute damage all at once

The amount it injects could be based on the amount of Brute damage sustained, or just a set amount. When damaged, the organ leaks Natural Adrenaline into you (very bad!!! (shock will kill you)).

If you didn’t want a new organ, I’d tie it to the brain instead (e.g. the Medulla oblongata firing off the glands).

maybe that’s too much but i think it has enough nuance to play around

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RE: Make damage knock you out of stamina-stuns - by glowbold - 08-11-2023, 11:39 AM

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