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Make damage knock you out of stamina-stuns
My opinion is with Cal.

Also what are you trying to nerf of the stun meta? Stun overall or Stun on antagonists?

For antagonists it's easy:
Have the security training perk give stun batons their current effect/duration, but if you don't... it does 20% to 50% less effectiveness.

Also maybe add things like being cuffed makes stun less effective in general.
So cuffs = Stun Resistance.
This will be an indirect buff to changelings who can drop cuffs nilly willy... but it makes it more fun.

Also put a lower max duration of stun and I think this is much bettr.

This won't stop most of the concerns Cal brought up.
But by making security weapons less effective on Antagonists... means antagonists have to rely more on their own skills rather then cornering a security officer and jacking their shit to go rampage.

Also if we nerf pure stuns... security will slow transition to better methodes to down antagonists wich will rely on lethals. Infact in some cases I have used lethal to detain players like Arcfiends on Meth cause the bleeding out forces them to deal with that 1st. (Detective lethals by the way)

Anything else?

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RE: Make damage knock you out of stamina-stuns - by Kotlol - 08-11-2023, 05:05 AM

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