HoS Application - David Davies (Zhail)
Usual character name: David Davies
BYOND username: Zhail
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Shail (real_shail)
Recommended by (if applicable): Rukert
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 3: Morty

Reason for application:
A Head of Security is someone that Security can rely on for guidance and advice. They're people who lead by example, and ensure that new players become accustomed to their role in the team. They're the ones that keep the station, and more importantly Security, in check. It's one of the largest impact on a single round as a whole, and a teacher for Security and crew alike.

I want to be the person that inspires others to follow me to wherever we may go. I hope to smoothen the gameplay for all parties, whether it be Security or antagonists, so that it can be a better and memorable experience. I wish to show new players how to interact with the station and crew, and to keep the flow of the round moving.

Security experience (300 word minimum):

I used to switch around in science and engineering (mechanic when it was still around), because those are what interested me. I really didn't know much about Security, I didn't think it would interest me that much. I just knew that there were a bunch of people in red suits that told you what was illegal. One day, I was met by a HoS walking past, I can't remember who. I was making thermite in science, just to test myself, and they asked me what I was up to. I told them the truth, and they said that it was cool, and asked if I could showcase it to the Security team as a sort of preparation for what to do if someone used it maliciously. I wasn't arrested, I wasn't ticketed, just made out to be someone helping to teach the team. This was the day when I first started looking farther into Security, and when I began admiring the HoS.

My first security round was as an assistant, a little less than 13 months ago. It was a full team, and luckily had a HoS on duty, Chatauscours. He jumped into teaching me the basics, showing me around the department, introducing me to other Security members, and making sure that I was asking questions. Eventually, I was set to shadow an officer and patrol in the field. In this round alone I learned more than what I thought my brain could handle. Stowaways? Never heard of them. Brig timer? Don't know the meaning of that phrase. I quickly started getting stressed, but the officer took it slow and told me to ask whatever I needed. They answered all of my questions before I even asked them after that, and this was the experience that taught me that you don't need to be a HoS to be cool.

After a few months I felt widely comfortable. I was calming down from "What the hell do I do!?" into "Let's just take it slow, man." Security has taught me that there's another human behind that character, and to make sure that we're all having a good time, not just one side. That whatever people say about you, live and let live. To not be a buzzkill, but have fun with it. To roll with the gimmicks, give others another chance if they screw it up. I don't take pride in killing people, but it has to happen if they're a continuous threat to the station, and hard decisions at least mean that you still have morals. Above all however, ensure the safety of the crew and of the station.

Being about a year into being a Sec main, I obviously still have a lot to learn. Everyone does, and that's something that I hold myself and all people on the station to. The biggest thing that I tell myself is "If you're not learning something out of this, then keep trying until you do". 

Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
  • Keep calm, man! Most of my experiences that ended poorly happened because I got stressed or panicked. Keeping a level head will more than likely ensure that you can stay alive and keep the station safe.
  • All you have to do is ask! There is absolutely no shame in asking for help, whether it's figuring out the functions of SecMate or how to properly wrangle monkeys that Genetics released. There are plenty of experienced people around to help you with whatever you need.
  • Not every little thing needs the baton! Lots of happenings on the station are petty crimes, and many of them can be resolved through purely talking to them, maybe a ticket or possibly a fine if it was a bit worse than petty. In chatting with the crew instead of immediately arresting them for nabbing a box of donuts, as heinous as it is, it will also build trust between Security and the crew, showing that the team can protect them from threats and resolve conflicts.
  • Work together! There's a reason so many players call it the Security TEAM and not the Security Department. Lots of what you'll be doing relies on a group of people working as a unit, so be sure to communicate with the other Security members.
  • Have fun! Security, while it requires an air of seriousness at certain moments such as a person having their head blown off by a SPES-12, isn't a department of buzzkills.

What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

I was a few months into Security. We were chasing a terrorist bomber that had already blown up a portion of the station who was now hiding out at the space diner. We had planned a raid on it in order to close in on all sides, as he had already escaped once before using the Port-A-Sci. This time we weren't going to let that happen, and I thought of an idea. Someone would hide out in the Port-A-Sci, set the home base to inside of Security, and wait to be teleported straight to the bomber. The HoS loved it, and of course I had basically volunteered myself to be the test dummy in coming up with it. So I sat in the Port-A-Sci for about five minutes while most of the rest of Security flew out in pods to the space diner. I was teleported into an enclosed room, welded off, with only the bomber inside. He opened the Port-A-Sci, didn't see me, and got in. Moments before teleporting, the HoS said "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE, BYE!", and we were sent back to Security. We had captured the bomber using his own tactics, and we all congratulated each other with a round of donuts afterwards.

Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.

Full teams of people usually make me feel as though I can relax, trusting the fact that there is a squad of people who know what they're doing and can keep the station safe. I tend to hang back in Security a little more than usual and try to help direct people towards situations, keep others up to speed, have general chit-chat, and provide the "entertainment".

As a solo however, I tend to be a little more tense, and this is something that I need to work on. I am in the field much more often, given that there's nobody else to talk to. I try to do everything on my own and just end up stressing myself out, which is why I try to keep to a full team whenever at all possible.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

Thoughts of the Possum
Morty says that I
Need to keep the thief contained.
Am I high or what?

Draw a picture!

[Image: HOLY-SHIT-A-LING.png]

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None that I know of.

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HoS Application - David Davies (Zhail) - by Zhail - 08-10-2023, 02:00 PM

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