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Remove the ability to recall the shuttle with packets
I loathe packet nerds with a passion to a degree, since it's really hard to track em since you need to be a packet nerd yourself.

I do not mind them as much since they are rare, but I think packeting needs to be "slightly" more "intuative" as well as terminals (bothOS's)
And for some we actually do have better interfaces already.
For example... I avoid SecMate like the plague as a security player, cause the detective's office/Goggles have a better interface where I can see the picture and click on a screen. Let alone I am much faster on that terminal then that of SecMate.

Arti-sci is my favorite Sci and guess what I use mostly? The Science Doohickey system over DWAINE terminal.

If anything the older clunkier design needs to be replaced with a more friendlier system. BUT not removed... the older system should be something the more IT savey players should strife for and can do more. The UI specialized ones can be there but you cannot modify it.
It would help Medical, Science and Security to be more effecient but have the "older system" still accessiable for those who want to use it or you know work on it.

Anyway side tangent aside... packeting is annoying, but I do not hate it if it's used for doors and such. It's kinda clever actually and I applaud people who find ways to NOT abuse it. (Those who do... you are basically more annoying then someone slapping things with Emags.)
And I think shuttle call should be BLOCKED FROM IT.
After all.... only heads should be able to call it/uncall it.
"But what if all the heads are dead and the AI is rogued?"
Then try to find the cap's spare or any ID that can give you acces?
"But it's not there!"
Then you are SoL. I am sorry... but then the antagonists did their job perfectly.
"But the round won't end!"
Now this is so specific.. AHELP it.

Anyway... just remove it from packets.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remove the ability to recall the shuttle with packets - by Kotlol - 08-09-2023, 04:59 AM

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