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[PR] Light space suit change (atmos_movespeed)
The (intended) point of the light space suit was for engineers to use to quickly fix breaches. A couple ideas I've heard that I'd prefer would be making it have a delay when worn in pressurized environments, but in unpressurized environments no slowdown. This would still be different from a normal suit that only loses the slowdown when on a space tile. Another that, while being kinda weird mechanically, would still work is making the light space suit grant negative armor (melee and ranged). IE you take more damage while wearing it. Yet another idea that I'm less keen on but would still prefer would be increasing the cost to create them. (cough or if someone wanted to make a whole research system I (me, sord, singular developer/player) think that would be heckin cool)

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RE: [PR] Light space suit change (space_movespeed) - by Sord213 - 08-03-2023, 06:34 PM

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