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Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands
(07-29-2023, 12:11 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote:
(07-29-2023, 11:22 AM)LuciliusMothboy Wrote: To everyone who is against this change, I find it important to point out that there are PLAYERS behind the borgs. At the end of the day, this feature is meant for the comfort of the players themselves, I feel.

We have plenty of transgender and nonbinary people who are part of our player base. I'm trans myself, and I have dysphoria. Believe it or not, being misgendered IC or forced IC to use pronouns that I don't want to does in fact trigger my dysphoria.

And I don't feel it's fair to treat that as the player being at fault.

Regardless of borg "lore", I think both the freedom of expression and comfort of the players themselves takes precedence. I don't see a problem with borgs being able to change pronouns whenever they want, either, because they can't go to the HoP and ask for the pronouns on their ID to be changed in the middle of the round, because they do not have IDs.

Furthermore, many borgs in lore have a human brain. They speak, most people portray them with emotions, they are sapient in their own way, even if they're not human, so naturally some would have developed preferred pronouns. The ones with human brains have a human brain. And the ones that don't are still sapient and are exposed to human social groupings.

So to me, there's no lore issue, either.

But I digress, my point is; This is a game we play to have fun, and because of that, PLAYER comfort and enjoyment is INCREDIBLY important. This is also a game people roleplay on, so they should be allowed freedom to have their characters have the identity that they wish for them to have.

These are mostly the reasons why i support the change pali suggested. Even though i personally don't like all the implication tied to it and the break with most sci-fi tropes that try to as much as possible keep AI and in extend borgs dehumanized.

We are a very inclusive community and thus our MRP community is on the low-RP area of the RP-spectrum.

The point i wanted to make was to simply be more limited for borgs than it is for humans. Borgs are, in contrast to humans, not free-willed. That is why i don't think it should be changed freely at-will.

Amd at that point it went a bit offtopic/downhill due to miscommunication.

What i can see, though, is coupling that with the name-change of the borg. After you change your name, like after being borged, you can select your prefered gender. It is tied to the name-change cooldown. Kinda like the menu work when you select a name and gender for the agent ID. No new verb needed, it get attached to an already existing one.

A name change for AI/Borgs is very often either accompanied with a personality/programming(law?) change or for the time you got borged and received a random name. It makes sense that a radical change in perception by name can be accompanied with a change in the prefered pronoun. And the cooldown on the name change limits its use to actually meaningfull changes in the borg.

Also, most opportunities to change names already offer to chsnge preferred pronouns, so this is consistent with current behaviour.

Personally, i would appreciate it if i can connect a name with a pronoun and don't need to check each time if it randomly got changed. Because, sadly, i am pretty sure that random changing for pranks or gimmicks will happen if we just make it an unlimited verb.

Borgs/droids have genders in star trek star wars dune Warhammer 40k terminator battleatar farscape lost in space hitchhikers guide red dwarf....

A complex personality, which our borgs have, usually leads to a complex identity 

Again. Thie borgs  ALLREADY HAVE NOUNS. They just LOSE those under a certain,  set,  circumstances which seems more like accident.

Tldr, this is for player comfort not creating social movement. I see zero reason any player should  not be allowed to express themself aa they feel is best. I really think we are over examining this

Messages In This Thread
RE: Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands - by pali6 - 07-28-2023, 12:34 PM
RE: Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands - by JOELED - 07-28-2023, 08:51 PM
RE: Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands - by Kotlol - 07-29-2023, 08:11 AM
RE: Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands - by Kotlol - 07-29-2023, 09:44 AM
RE: Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands - by Silent Majority - 07-29-2023, 02:15 PM
RE: Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands - by Kotlol - 07-30-2023, 05:55 AM
RE: Borg Pronouns In Robotic Comnands - by Kotlol - 07-30-2023, 02:07 PM

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