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[CLOSED PR] Gives Sleeper Agents Listening Outpost Access
(07-25-2023, 02:36 AM)Glamurio Wrote: I also really like the scanner idea. In fact, I'd like it if access to the Listening Post was standardized for traitors and spy thieves. I'd like for people to have more easy access to the headsets for RP gimmicks, and for potential meetups. The Agent Card is still useful in its own way for impersonation.

Disagree for spiefs.
Reason being: "They tend to try and kill eachother too"

The whole point of Spiefs is the fact you aren't the only one spiefing. Heck some spiefs have OPPOSSING objectives aka:
- Keep X alive
- Kill X and keep em dead.

If they meet up in the listening post.. it would be annoying unless they get the agent card or access to it.
I find it fun that spiefs aren't a team antagonist, but antagonists that fight eachother too.

Traitors on the other hand work together always but can work together. (So can Spiefs though, but again this is theming we talking about)
But mostly work solo. Traitors don't have to compete and build up. Everyone has equal tool acces.
Spiefs on the other hand have to race and work against eachother to get the tools they want.

This is why I do not want Spief's to work with eachother. Especially since some Spief objectives are their own gear or limbs from time to time.
I don't want to give up my PDA to anyone as a spief.. since it puts me out of the race..

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RE: [PR] Gives Sleeper Agents Listening Outpost Access - by Kotlol - 07-25-2023, 05:32 AM

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