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Food Quality: where it is and how we'd like it to be
Instead of just extending the duration of food buffs with positive food quality, you could introduce additional benefits, such as increased health regeneration, enhanced stamina recovery, or improved combat performance. This would incentivize players to seek out high-quality food and make it a more strategic aspect of gameplay. Imagine the potential of incorporating diverse in-game benefits with various food options. For instance, indulging in a delectable dish like Szechuan style chicken could not only extend the duration of buffs but also grant temporary boosts to combat performance, providing players with a strategic advantage during intense battles. This would add a new layer of excitement to the gameplay, encouraging players to explore different culinary delights within the virtual world.

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RE: Food Quality: where it is and how we'd like it to be - by sarah.white - 07-24-2023, 05:00 AM

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