07-23-2023, 07:29 PM
Quote:Respectfully again, imo, I believe this is the wrong approach and idea of RP. I don't see the goal of RP as the antag bringing the entire station down around everyone's ears and mass chaos everywhere. It's about good stories playing out, which sometimes could very well very be the result of mass chaos. But it can also mean a story playing out in the bar, with two old buddies reminiscing about the good old days. It could be security officers bonding or offering a self defense class to the crew. Maybe there is a station accident and it's large enough everyone gets involved and pitches in, or it could be as simple as holding a service in the chapel for the fallen with candles (which I try to do every shift, which has inspired RP from people that is still going on!) This is the RP aspect I love about Goon so much...it's all about the story. Sometimes it's many small stories going on, sometimes it's a big one with lots involved, sometimes chaotic, sometimes not.
Very much agree with this. I'd encourage an antag to spend sometime trying to see if they can find some of these stories playing out, then figure out how they can add conflict to them. Maybe it's being disrespectful at the funeral, or sabotaging a repair effort