07-22-2023, 06:02 PM
Yeah salvagers roundstart get a few hundred points each, pretty much always used for the juggernaut suit. Midrounds get a few thousand points to spend.
Much of the issue with salvagers comes from their weapon options and ammo being limited and expensive. At roundstart they start with slamguns and zipguns.
The slamguns start with scrapshot which is good damage but very cumbersome to use and riot slugs which are bad offensively since you need to sustain use them to be lethal but useful if you are running.
The zipguns start with 9mm fangible which is just awful unless you can pump someone with a lot of it doing a whopping 6 damage a shot and .22 rounds which are pretty average. The main issue with the zip being its RNG chance to explode and possibly tear your limbs off.
The weapons they can buy don't change much.
The upgraded zip holds one more round and jams instead of exploding, but jams more often and has little indicator it is jammed and if you try fire the 5.56 it explodes(?).
The salvaged shotgun is just an expensive and worse riot shotgun.
The survival rifle is a real commitment with its price costing over 2000 with the barrels. Its a very good weapon but it, the barrels and the ammo are too expensive to get anywhere other than the end of the round after grinding the whole time.
The Bradwen is probably the best since option since you can buy good 9mm rounds for it but unless it was changed you only get 4-5 rounds per purchase. The gun itself is still expensive but you can buy it with the midround points.
Though the issue with all of these weapons is they take about 20 minutes of grinding to get at least and then ammo is extra. They also suffer from a lack of ammo types unless its been changed recently they can only buy flares for their shotguns.
I think a reduction in cost of the weapons and ammo would benefit salvagers greatly maybe also give them some more lethal ammo from the start as well.
Much of the issue with salvagers comes from their weapon options and ammo being limited and expensive. At roundstart they start with slamguns and zipguns.
The slamguns start with scrapshot which is good damage but very cumbersome to use and riot slugs which are bad offensively since you need to sustain use them to be lethal but useful if you are running.
The zipguns start with 9mm fangible which is just awful unless you can pump someone with a lot of it doing a whopping 6 damage a shot and .22 rounds which are pretty average. The main issue with the zip being its RNG chance to explode and possibly tear your limbs off.
The weapons they can buy don't change much.
The upgraded zip holds one more round and jams instead of exploding, but jams more often and has little indicator it is jammed and if you try fire the 5.56 it explodes(?).
The salvaged shotgun is just an expensive and worse riot shotgun.
The survival rifle is a real commitment with its price costing over 2000 with the barrels. Its a very good weapon but it, the barrels and the ammo are too expensive to get anywhere other than the end of the round after grinding the whole time.
The Bradwen is probably the best since option since you can buy good 9mm rounds for it but unless it was changed you only get 4-5 rounds per purchase. The gun itself is still expensive but you can buy it with the midround points.
Though the issue with all of these weapons is they take about 20 minutes of grinding to get at least and then ammo is extra. They also suffer from a lack of ammo types unless its been changed recently they can only buy flares for their shotguns.
I think a reduction in cost of the weapons and ammo would benefit salvagers greatly maybe also give them some more lethal ammo from the start as well.