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Ideas for antag-intended chef items
You can already make deadly pizza shurikens with the pizza cutter.

But.. I think we need Syndicate Noodles wich you can be used to tie people up or choke em out. Or if consumed, needing surgery to get it out before somoene starts choking out.

Another idea is putting in a parasite in the food. Wich can have 3 effects on wich parasite.
1: Will start eating organs out of the consumer (and when the person dies it becomes a "chest bursterlike" beast and starts attacking others)
2: Will starts depeleting the thirst and food bar rapidly, making the person always hungry and thristy... until the parasite is farted out to attack it's host?
3: Mind hack parasite. THe person will get aggresive spasms and walking off, till eventually the parasite takes over the brain and the person is mind hacked.

Also more surgery counterplay YAY!

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RE: Ideas for antag-intended chef items - by Kotlol - 07-19-2023, 06:27 AM

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