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Traitor item idea: Component locking device
Either a new traitor item or "Syndicate Multitool Lock"

Everyone says "EMAG" but.. the EMAG is only getting more functional and powerful, at this polint we should just add new interactions to new devices.

I also like the idea of a "syndicate mech comp" you can spawn in the round as an engineer traitor so you can Mech Comp from your own lil based and not be found out by your fellow workers.

So I recommend: (TL/DR)
- Syndicate Mech Comp. (TC 4-5? Allows one to make a mech comp full of mech compy goodies and a few extra for the traitours Engineer)
- Using the snydicate tool's multitool to "lock out" any multi tool user, wich enforces a hacking mini game of some sort?

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RE: Traitor item idea: Component locking device - by Kotlol - 07-14-2023, 01:21 AM

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