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Arcfiend Hit & Run Tactics Should be Punished More. Here's Some Ideas!
(07-01-2023, 07:21 PM)TDHooligan Wrote: You say this, but ultimately it stumps a lot of officers who are more restrained on annihilating station infrastructure (a key point being manta, where power lines make huge loops of the station you have to cut everywhere, behind access-locked doors.)

I will say it this way, if you try to fight a capable and evading arcfiend without getting engineering in there, thats on you. They hate these wirehopping apc-suckers more than everyone else. and will gladly rip out wires to give them what they deserve.

In general, security should involve the station more.

Having that said, this is not something you should directly nerf since wirehopping is extremly important to disengage.

How about this:

make wirehopping arcfiends visible on the t-ray scanner.

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RE: Arcfiend Hit & Run Tactics Should be Punished More. Here's Some Ideas! - by Lord_earthfire - 07-01-2023, 09:44 PM

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