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[MERGED PR] Rework of the creeper plant and introduction of the tumbling creeper m...
I tried to cheat it a bit to get as much of high stats with the normal infuse every seed with chems and unstable mutagen then pray for a good rng mutation. So far, it is frustrating and I feel like it would be very rare of someone to be very eager to do that. Though, I saw that tumbling creeper could spread quick on the trays and share the same stats with their parent plant, which makes it easy to mass produce it. Then again, the higher the potency stat, the tumbling creeper looks very big. I dunno if it makes it easier for people to just spot it and ignore the trap.

At the same time, I don't think it needs a very high potency to work efficiently. With enough potency and a lot of tumbling creeper spreading into other trays, you can harvest a lot of tumbling creeper and just spam it at one specific place. While it is blacklisted for the satchel, you can still move a bunch of it with a crate. Though, I feel like the process might be tedious unless people want to rely on RNG for the bush to root on the floor without the help of a trowel.

Next, I do think how very obvious looking the creeper bush is makes it very not powerful and only really good if you know how to set up an effective trap. I think it's not as different as raflessia, except raflessia have some beneficial use while still looking obvious.

My conclusion is that it's fine. It has some things that makes it far less powerful and it's challenging for people who is trying to get into botany, which is fun. It will probably become a very niche plant but that's how most plants in this game are. I do like it and the more I write about it, it seems fine to me. Not too powerful and pretty fun to play with. Though, I haven't explore much of it yet.

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RE: [PR] Rework of the creeper plant and introduction of the tumbling creeper mutation - by Emimiyu - 06-28-2023, 03:46 AM

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