A small, quality of life change I'd really like to see for medbay would be a better indication of slip-ups during surgery rather than just a red message that doesn't really explain "You need to repeat this surgery step again". It's already often a difficult mechanic to explain to newer doctors, leading them to being confused on how a pancreas replacement surgery turned into a stomach removal. On top of this, it can be difficult to notice on higher pops when the radio chatter can sometimes make the message disappear up the scroll within a second.
A few suggestions to help fix this would be:
Those are just a few ideas, wouldn't mind hearing some more ideas on this.
A few suggestions to help fix this would be:
- Make surgical actions have a short action bar that turns red towards the end on a slip-up.
- Loud screams from the patient on a slip-up (Suggested by Wrench on Discord)
- Have a "Surgical Computer" on some surgery tables that can be set to assist with a surgery procedure (set the organ on the computer) and yells at you when you slip up. I like this concept the most though it would probably take the most work to make.
Those are just a few ideas, wouldn't mind hearing some more ideas on this.