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Sauces cooking expansion
Had mentioned this idea on discord and think I could implement a basic version of it (I no code gud), so thought I'd try and get some feedback.

Adds the Saucepan
Is used on the stove top and ideally your ingredients would cook down over time into your sauce(s) via a timing minigame where you have to decide when to turn it off by checking the description.  Since I don't know how to do this, I'm going to implement it as each time you cook it, it'll take it up a stage in how the descriptor would look.
eg. TomatoSauce1: Diced tomatoes, mirepoix, and herbs sit in a pool of cold broth.  
TomatoSauce2: The broth takes a red hue as the veggies begin to break down.  
TomatoSauce3: The bubbling red sauce has a few large pieces floating around still.  
TomatoSauce4: The thick red sauce emits a rich and deep aroma.  
TomatoSauce5: Tiny black flecks float in the overly thick red sauce.  
Next step would just be your typical kitchen burnt mess screw up

Why is this needed?
Potentially adds a lot more depth to the things that could be cooked up.  Angler seems to be moving towards a bit of a visual prize (biggest fish!) for the round, and this might allow some 'most creative dish' or such award.  And chef could use more of a push than 'the guy you might eat some food from if you even hit the bar that round'.  Buffs for final dishes could have higher potential with all the extra work involved.

Why do it in stages like that?
Because some sauces are actually useful in the pre-post stage!  Slowly cooking butter makes a tasty brown butter (beurre noisette) that goes great with pasta. Taking it a stage further gives you 'blackened butter' (beurre noir) which goes nicely with fish!

What sauces are you thinking of adding?
Tomato Sauce
Bechemel (Mac n' Cheese)
Tempura Batter (use with any veg, meat or fish!)
Fish/Chicken/Beef/Pork/Veg/Synth Broth
BBQ Sauce
Soy Sauce is more of a fermentation process but could be added
Dolce de Leche
Creme Anglais
Fruit Coulis
Buffalo Sauce
Chutney (it's in cooking but could easily be moved here)

Possible mixer (no cooking) sauces
Cocktail Sauce

And I'm sure there is a ton more I'm not thinking of!  The amount of recipes that could get expanded out with stuff like this is boggling but I'd like to see some deeper method/goal all this could work towards too

Messages In This Thread
Sauces cooking expansion - by Brixx79 - 06-19-2023, 07:47 PM
RE: Sauces cooking expansion - by Kotlol - 06-20-2023, 02:16 AM
RE: Sauces cooking expansion - by Lord_earthfire - 06-20-2023, 03:38 AM
RE: Sauces cooking expansion - by Waffleloffle - 06-20-2023, 07:12 AM
RE: Sauces cooking expansion - by Brixx79 - 06-20-2023, 07:55 PM

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