Feedback Flourish, Classic Heisenbee, 2022-08-01, 10/27/22, 11/8/22
Admin: Flourish

Server: Goonstation1 Classic Heisenbee

Synopsis:I was banned by flourish out of nowhere, appealed and was denied without any kind of explanation why, when I sent them a message asking for an explanation, I apparently had my ability to send private messages disabled.

Extra information: Ban appeal, Rule 4, Rule 1 excerpt, and message I sent to flourish; directly copied from ban forum, messages, and ss13 wiki.

Ban Appeal

Who banned you?:  flourish

Byond Key:  Crazysaneman

Discord Username:  Unknown

Date of Ban:  2022-08-01

Specified Reason for Ban:  Repeatedly defacing the trans flag on the Centcom canvas, history of breaking rule 4 and making the server worse

Ban Length: Permanent

What led to the ban?:  I honestly don't understand why I was banned. I have been spoken to 2 times by admins, once for saying "retarded" and once for killing in arrivals during a radstorm killing people hiding there. Also, there is no rule on where you can place your pixels on the centcom canvas. If that is to be a space that can't be altered, perhaps there is a way to add a rule or a un-modifyable zone so that this cannot happen in the future.

Why should I be unbanned?: Despite there being no rule on where I can place my pixels on the centcom canvas, the trans flag being so large, and my attempt to add a black stripe to it for the black lives that matter, I understand why some may misconstrue it as a mean or hateful act and promise to be more careful in the future.

Also, I have found the admins to be mostly agreeable in my conversations with them and hold no ill will. I promise I will continue to follow the rules and be careful about what I say. I have reread the rules and will be sure to be more careful in the future.

Which rule did you break?: Rule 4 apparently? I have reread the rule and understand it.

Evasion Attempts: None

Reply from flourish 10/27/22


Rule 4

Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in nature. This includes erotic roleplay, which encompasses all situations which are erotic or suggestive in nature (e.g. 'spooning', making out, etc.), and not only those which are sexually explicit. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use the word 'rape' in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards', 'cunts' or 'traps', using 'gay' in a derogatory manner, or using gendered slurs like "pussy" and "bitch."

Message sent to flourish 11/8/22

Can you please explain to me why I can't be unbanned? I still do not understand what you meant in your ban as far as repeatedly breaking rule 4. I had a 24 hour ban twice for stupid mistakes I made and owned up to, and made an effort to be better for. I'm an active player and typically a good one with the exceptions noted; which again I owned and am better for. I have seen far more egregious players get unbanned but I don't deserve a chance for some mysterious reason?

As far as the transflag defacing goes, there absolutely is not a rule that says you can't place your endgame pixels wherever you want. I read them all. I was never warned that what I was doing was against the rules, or whatever policy you banned me for... now that I know that apparently that whole section of the canvas is a sacred cow I won't touch it again. No worries.

I'm just struggling to understand why I was permabanned at all, much more so why I can't be unbanned. Please, help me out here.

My explanation:

I did call someone retarded once. I was advised by a member of the team that was a no-no. I took my ban and carried on. Absolutely justified, I should have better read the rules. I also did kill people in the arrivals as an antag during a radstorm, but to my knowledge all the people in there were not fresh arrivals, and were in fact hiding from the radstorm. There was even a mentor mouse in the room with us having a laugh at what was happening. I was later banned and found out that killing in arrivals is a no-no, despite the rules saying "Do not harm anyone in arrivals unless they have purposefully retreated there after previously roaming the station, and even then, only if you or they are an antagonist." I met all the requirements for that caveat, as far as I knew. I have never been disciplined or talked to for any other reason as far as I can remember in all the time I've played on this server. As for the rest of rule 4, I have never used any kind of sexual content, do not erp, do not make rape jokes, do not use gendered slurs (though it is weird you can call someone a dick but not a pussy), and I absolutely do not use any kind of bigoted language since the one warning. As far as the transflag goes if you're going to get upset about using the pixels on the canvas at the endgame screen and don't want certain sections of the canvas touched, either make a rule or say something to me about it and I'll stop. I made it my mission to add a black stripe to it for personal reasons that are in no way bigoted. I was never spoken to, and there is no rule on where you can place pixels or what constitutes acceptable modification of the canvas.

The most infuriating part of this to me is that flourish had no requirement to explain anything, outside of a vague ban description. Why have an appeals process if there is no conversation. Just a single word reply. "No." Furthermore, after being advised to reach out to flourish and try to get this worked out, I had my ability to send private messages stripped on the forum with no explanation. Why? What purpose did this serve, except to ban a dedicated player that genuinely loves what the game and you all offer the community.

I'm a genuinely good player, I enjoy role playing and working a job. I like being a scientist or bartender. Role playing is a big part of life to me. I'm typically an agreeable person and I follow the rules. It feels like I was banned because someone had a bad day and needed to take it out on someone.

Please unban me. As I said before, I have reread the rules and understand them. I promise to follow them. At the bare minimum I would like to know how a single interaction with an admin for breaking rule 4 constitutes a "history of breaking rule 4 and making the server worse". I'm not even mad at flourish, or any of the other admins, mods, or mentors. Just disappointed.

Thank you for your time.

Sorry about all the weird spacing in the post, I don't know why it did that, it didn't in the preview.

Messages In This Thread
Flourish, Classic Heisenbee, 2022-08-01, 10/27/22, 11/8/22 - by crazysaneman - 06-14-2023, 01:43 AM

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