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Spoogemonster/ LLJK #1/ 3 days ago?
Admin name: Spoogemonster
Server: #1
Date/Time: 3-4 days ago
Synopsis: I was being randomly punched by a man every round and it happened while i was playing slots one round. It ticked me off pretty bad so i adminhelped hoping they would atleast tell him to go away or something. Spoogemonster answered me and told me to change my name. I simply told him "No." Come on the next morning to play a good ol' round of ss13 and realise i keep getting randomized every round. I check to see if my options to change (Which they haven't.) And start asking around. I get some information that i've been name banned. At this point i'm pretty furious that i get punished for someone having a grudge on me from another round. I think he was definately in the wrong on this one time.
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