06-10-2023, 05:17 PM
How about we do something else entirely....
This topic is gonna keep being added and devs/admins will keep saying no.
So let's steer it in another direction...
"Oxygen bubble gum"
A clown item where a clown can "eat bubble gum" to walk around in space without breathing... THAT JOKER!
What's that? The bubble gum increases your oxygens levels too high so where there is AIR you will build up blood too fast and explode?
I guess that's comedy for ya.
"Comedy Breathing Mask"
Gets their own breathing mask, but it will honk loudly uncontrollably due to the air being redirected to the nose and sometimes malfunctions.
"Clown Nozzle"
Clown wears a scuba mask and nozzle to breath in space. How it works is by the mysteries of CLOWN SCIENTISTS!
Requires flippers to be fashionable acceptable! (May take twice as much air)
"Clown 02 mask"
It looks like a clown mask with a breathing straw that can be connected to an 02 tank.
Though doing so will muffle any clown speech.
There... have there be clown themed breathing masks but in the spirit of clownery.
Seriously though... the clown is ment to be hard mode to begin with...
That hard mode gives you the free pass to do clownery.
This topic is gonna keep being added and devs/admins will keep saying no.
So let's steer it in another direction...
"Oxygen bubble gum"
A clown item where a clown can "eat bubble gum" to walk around in space without breathing... THAT JOKER!
What's that? The bubble gum increases your oxygens levels too high so where there is AIR you will build up blood too fast and explode?
I guess that's comedy for ya.
"Comedy Breathing Mask"
Gets their own breathing mask, but it will honk loudly uncontrollably due to the air being redirected to the nose and sometimes malfunctions.
"Clown Nozzle"
Clown wears a scuba mask and nozzle to breath in space. How it works is by the mysteries of CLOWN SCIENTISTS!
Requires flippers to be fashionable acceptable! (May take twice as much air)
"Clown 02 mask"
It looks like a clown mask with a breathing straw that can be connected to an 02 tank.
Though doing so will muffle any clown speech.
There... have there be clown themed breathing masks but in the spirit of clownery.
Seriously though... the clown is ment to be hard mode to begin with...
That hard mode gives you the free pass to do clownery.