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[CLOSED PR] Breath masks can be attached to clown masks
Another clown mask internals forum post, I'll just rehash what I said 4 months ago on this other thread with some new stuff from the discord discussion today

Goon1 hallways get depressurized half the time, where 90% of clown gimmicks take place, and thanks to goon1 apathy and funky atmos, nobody enjoys repressurizing them, and because of how plentiful internals are for everyone, nobody needs to care except for shivering every now and then. Except the clown, who is forced away from player interaction, which fundamentally goes against clown's whole point, player interaction. Ultimately whenever this point is brought up there are a few arguments made, "can I just use salbutamol?" yes, you can, and it works wonders, but at that point, considering the fact that salbutamol is littered all across the map, why don't we just cut out the middle man and give him internals. This also could boil down to "why don't we just repressurize" but due to current goon1 culture and apathy (I'm sure it's different on RP, or not, idk) most depressurizations get ignored, even if we did increase pressurization speed more (please do this anyways) it is still going to be an issue of not caring, because most crewmembers just turn on their internals instead, on top of just how easy it is to depressurize hallways by breaking one window. That's an entirely separate issue however that could use it's own discussion thread to address easy depressurizations and rare pressurization repair work. In the end a clown that can breath and say a funny one-liner is a lot more funny than a clown forced to go into maint.

itd just be a net positive for everyone to encourage more player interaction, cause thats def something we need more often in goon but regardless this PR is likely to be denied anyways due to old goon culture

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RE: [PR] Breath masks can be attached to clown masks - by Jakson - 06-10-2023, 03:48 PM

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