Feedback Open letter to the Admin and Dev team
> just a clarification, by stagnation I didnt mean the server was dying. Although I understand why you thought that considering the earlier parts of the post, by stagnation i simply meant that people were finding the game stagnant and ignoring their jobs more often than not, this can be seen how validhunting has gotten worse recently and how its become more prevalent on 1 as people get bored with their jobs so they flock to security for action and engagement or validhunt for the same reasons.

The game goes through swings of a pendulum in a way. Not too long ago we were having the problem of people mostly ignoring antags and being indifferent to them. "Player apathy" is the usual term. I think what you are describing might be just the push to stop that sometimes swinging the pendulum a bit too far to the other side.

And let's not kid ourselves on 1 people have been ignoring their jobs since forever. I started playing in 2018 I think? And stuff like "engine not even turned on" and "HoP immediately fucking off to space" were very common occurences back then. Also note that the current rate of adding content is positively enormous compared to the closed source days. I'm sorry if it feels dismissive but compared to how the pop, feature additions and stuff were when I started playing I just can't see the current state sa stagnant and I respectfully disagree with your point.

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RE: Open letter to the Admin and Dev team - by pali6 - 05-27-2023, 12:32 PM

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