(HOS application) Jack Hunter
You're a good Officer. You communicate and RP well, and generally understand how to handle Antags, but I cannot recommend you as HoS.

I rarely see you really teach, or try to take lead. This is something I would like to see a lot more of, but recently however I saw you doing just this when dealing with myself when I was an Antag. You were trying to take lead in how to handle my situation, to which you did to the best of your ability, but I'd like to see a lot more of this.

But my BIGGEST hold up about you is not even really a Security related one, and its in fact when you run Staff Assistant. Very frequently, you'll want to spend and entire round inside the Genpop Brig as a Prisoner. That in of itself isn't an issue, but the issue stems from the fact that you're absolutely relentless about it, and when told "no" you'll continue to hang around Security begging to be let in until you're eventually are. Following that, you'll usually then tend to suicide in the Brig, get cloned, and then the cycle repeats where you want to be let back in. I've seen cases where this behaviour can become VERY frustrating for people and have been told to stop, but you don't seem to be receptive to this and continue being relentless in the gimmick.

Now the reason I bring this up in a HoS app is because these actions say to me that you lack maturity and awareness which in my opinion every HoS benefits from. They need to be mature and aware enough to know when to be silly to add levity to a situation and round, and when to be serious when things really need to get done. You need to be aware enough to know when a situation needs to be escalated, or deescalated, and also be aware of your own actions and the effect they have on other players, especially as HoS. And mature enough to know that not just your own fun matters, but everyone's fun.

No one is perfect, and we all make errors in judgement. We just need to start recognising these errors and growing from them. I'd like to see you grow more as an Officer and as a player before I can recommend you as HoS.

Messages In This Thread
(HOS application) Jack Hunter - by smallsandman - 05-23-2023, 06:25 AM
RE: (HOS application) Jack Hunter - by Wrench-1 - 05-25-2023, 06:36 PM

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