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Make voice changers usuable by monkeys
(05-03-2023, 01:26 PM)Glamurio Wrote: As a fervent supporter of RP monkeys, anything that gets us closer to having translators be slotted into cosmetics gets an upvote from me. Making voice changers just act as translators on top of their original functionality seems like an easy solution.

Returning to this topic. Let's change some things to the voice changer.

You know like the voice changer panel in the radio station?

Have the voice changer able to be set to talk martian, monkey, binary and such.
But also accents as well as auto translate.

It would make it's RP much more interresting and on classic a fun way to throw people off!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Make voice changers usuable by monkeys - by Kotlol - 05-04-2023, 05:31 AM

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