05-04-2023, 04:01 AM
its very painful working on the singulo then having to trek down to medbay for some potassium iodide and having a borg, staffie or even an engie come in and mess with the singulo or potentially loose it whilst you are away. The radiation effect worsens as you add more singulos into the equation to the point where 3-4 singulos close to each other will irradiate you to the point of constant stuns. Some better radiation resistance would be nice instead of having to rely on mining for some indy suits before doing funny work on the singulo. Although this is probably only an issue for a small group of engineers it would be nice to not have to pick between burning to death from space or burning to death from rads and would also let engineering do a little more experimentation on the singulo instead of just going for a bigulo every round.