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Bacteriology as a replacement for pathology
Since i got banned im have mostly lost my motivation to continue working on this. It does not matter as its unlikely a developer would bother to use this idea now. So here this is what i got take it. I can sill answer questions if anyone still cares. 

One of the big problems with pathology is the pathogens. That means all your working with are dangerous or at least capable of causing problems. But what if we just study the other serval million species of microbes that are harmless to humans. So I suggest we make bacteriology where you study bacteria but not the dangerous ones. Unless you make them dangerous on purpose.

Your Lab.

Currently only bacteriologist, The medical director, security and the heads have access to this area. Your lab is isolated and has one door leading in. To enter and exist there is a decontamination checkpoint you have to walk past. This acts like a med scanner except it bombardes you with Uv light to kill any bacteria on you. This will not kill bacteria in containers.

1. So your lab has a sample fridge which will keep your samples hopefully safe.

2. A test chamber with a vend-o-chimp in it. So, you can test your hopefully harmless bacteria on the very much not harmless monkeys. If this causes problems it might be necessary to make it where only you, HoS, and the captain can access this chamber. Hopefully this will not need to be done.

3.  The main device you will be using is called the MSA which stands for Microbe Sample Analyzer. This lets you analyze and modify your bacteria genomes. This will be talked about more later.
Stage 1 collection.
To do work you need samples which are just samples of bacteria. In your lab there will be several starting samples in a fridge. But you will need more over time. So, each sample has a set of traits in it, some active some dormant. They can even have harmful ones, but they will either be dormant or the bacteria will not be infectious to humans or monkeys. To collect a sample you need to find things like blood, vomit, urine, or just scrap the inside of a toilet. You can even find weird alien bacteria by scraping the dust of asteroids. Just click on it with a petri dish and you got a sample.

Stage 2 analysis.
So you put your sample into your MSA and you get to see everything about it. So, bacteria have traits. First you have viable hosts. Which can be humans, monkeys, or whatever. They can either be Non valid which means they can’t get infected. They can be Asymptomatic carriers which means they will get infected but suffer no symptoms and can give it to other hosts. Then you valid hosts which will experience symptoms.

Then you have the bacteria’s genes. These are what the thing can do or how it works. These can be things like it being resistant to rads or causing brain damage in hosts.

Feel free to still post here.

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RE: Bacteriology as a replacement for pathology - by Dr simramor - 04-29-2023, 01:38 PM

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