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Re-do yellowhand away from dicerolls
I personally get mad as hell when I get yellowhand shoved after one click, and then I also get mad as hell when I yellowhand someone 8 times in a row without a single successful disarm. I realize that we currently have some systems in place to minimize and maximize yellowhand effectiveness: SWAT gloves, for existence, change the yellowhand diceroll to be less in favor of the yellowhander, werewolves and changelings get POWERFUL YELLOWHAND, etc.

My idea is as follows: Make yellowhand based on stable results, rather than a diceroll or a special role status. A rough idea is as follows, but I'm more than welcoming to anyone who wants to workshop my idea.

Yellowhand gives you 5 seconds of STAGGER or LOOSE GRIP status effect. Getting yellowhanded again makes you drop your item, and if your stamina is below a certain level, you also get knocked over.

Implement some status effects that improve your yellowhand performance: Strychnine, for instance, could also have the effect of giving you instant disarms and significant stamina damage to your yellowhands, methamphetamine can do something similar. There could also be anabolic space steroid that make your yellowhands cause instant shoves, but also make you rage out and randomly yellowhand people, cause brute damage or damage to your heart, etc.

Messages In This Thread
Re-do yellowhand away from dicerolls - by Bisar - 04-28-2023, 08:12 PM

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