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TinyTurtle uncalled for ban
Admin name: TinyTurtle
Server: LLJK#1
Date/Time: 5:25pm GMT
I'd just like to start by saying this isn't a "deadmin them asap!" thread, nor is it a request to be unban because the thing was 5 minutes so I'll just live with it. The reason I'm making this thread is because the whole thing seemed really unorthodox. Now the reason for the ban was as follows:
Quote:You have been banned. Reason: Don't inject people with shit, okay? Please be nice to dudes.
Banned By: tinyturtle
(This ban will be automatically removed in 4.5 Minutes.). If you believe you were unjustly banned, head to the forums and post an appeal.

Now Ok, it's a really short ban time so it's not much of a problem, but I really don't get why it happened at all. All I had done was inject a dead body with strange regeant (Which ended up gibbing it because the guy was braindead) and inject another guy with boosters and omnizine to get him out of crit, then give him meth to keep him on his feet. I seriously did nothing harmful, nothing dickish and nothing against anybody's will.

I also heard nothing from TinyTurtle themselves. I hadn't been asked about what I had done, why I had done it or anything. I was just suddenly hit by a ban. I mean if they had asked me about it I could have easily explained all of this, instead of having to make this thread. I'm not even sure what prompted the ban as I can't imagine anybody adminhelped about me injecting them with stuff, nobody seemed to be complaining about it in deadchat and the guy that I had injected seemed to be out of crit and on his way to the shuttle instead of dying slowly on the chemistry floor.

I guess the main point of this thread is for TinyTurtle to maybe not be so impulsive with bans, or to maybe message somebody instead of using a short ban as a warning, because otherwise people that did nothing wrong are kicked out of a round for a set time when they probably could have explained themselves quite easily.

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