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CE Plasma-Axe
Imo I think the idea is kinda neat but matsci is always ehhhhh so idk and also giving out a free weapon is kinda ehhh

If this is added however: add a traitor item that attaches like a module that significantly buffs the damage, and allow the usage of a superheated/supercooled plasma tank (heat regulated by weapon??? maybe?) that can effect the beahavior of the weapon - eg. supercooled has a chance to freeze (in an ice block) the enemy (scaling chance to tempurature) or for a special attack cause floors in front to become slippery, and superheated cauterises cuts, however has the potienial to cause the enemy to catch on fire (scaling chance to tempurature) or for a special attack makes a short throw flamethrower.

Messages In This Thread
CE Plasma-Axe - by Man of San - 04-21-2023, 10:28 AM
RE: CE Plasma-Axe - by ImJustAStrangeMan - 04-21-2023, 10:40 AM
RE: CE Plasma-Axe - by Annoyed Egg - 04-21-2023, 10:50 AM

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