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Thoughts on demotion/clothing swapouts by Security
While I do a lot of detectiving , I can say like Bisar.. this is kinda annoying to do.

While I do think security should have an easier time DEMOTING SOMEONE.
And I think HoP's would be happy you have "Standard IDs" ready for demoting.
I don't think we should implement it.

I do agree that security having "Fresh civilian clothes" is an Okay as is an empty backpack.
Not only cause it's just easier to give someone something you know doesn't have contraband, but ALSO for security OPs where they go civilian mode aka incognito.
Or having it so they can change out of shift to hit the bar.

So I am A-okay with security having "Civilian clothing" in their department too. I am not Okay with the ID system addition nor headset ones.
THOUGH I think the HoP should have an easier time getting the right headsets, IDs and PDAs!

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RE: Thoughts on demotion/clothing swapouts by Security - by Kotlol - 04-20-2023, 04:31 PM

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