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Thoughts on demotion/clothing swapouts by Security
biggest question I think (which i have no bearing on) is how much of a part of the role of HoP people think demoting IDs is.

otherwise, I think this is great! I never liked holding someone for so long in the brig and then to take their stuff and get the new stuff settled; taking them down to HoP or leaving them in the brig, making it a prolonged thing, it just was always uncomfortable. demoting feels strong enough as a consequence, it's best to not then eat up people's time and give them the chance to still get back out there and do some things with the rest of their round.

also I know that in the process of demoting, officers will often forget this or that bit and bob of re-equipping people, through no real fault of anyone. Someone doesnt know where the spare PDA box is, someone forgot to grab a backpack, someone forgot shoes (!). It'd be nice not just as a courtesy to whoever's being demoted, but as an officer or command too. since all these things other than PDAs can be infinitely produced at fabs given enough mats, I dont think having a few pre-assembled kits secoffs can dispense will over-inflate the backpack economy.

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RE: Thoughts on demotion/clothing swapouts by Security - by nefarious6th - 04-20-2023, 01:00 PM

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