04-19-2023, 11:19 PM
(04-19-2023, 10:44 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: You just need a single teleport. Turning the teleport pad with a bit of mechcomp (or like, teleporting mobs in via invalid coords) into a deathtrap or buildin a new one in a killbox is laughable easy.
Have you ever see a telegun-rampage? Now imagine this with infinite range.
Well, its not how it works. It doesnt use tracking beacons like a telegun. It uses pure Telescience. The AI with this module (assuming its the one thats already in the game) gets two Abilities with this Module. The ability to teleport someone to the telescience pad. and the ability if someone stands on the telescience pad to TP them anywhere. GIven the AI could just wall it off. But as most things It can be easily fixed. not to mention but There is talk of it having restricted areas which (Obviously I dont know of exactly) but are likely to be space and near crushers.
Therefore I would suggest this to be a incredibly weak weapon for the AI considering all the variables it needs to work. Unlike Telegun getting hold of hostile mobs as well would be horrible to pull off.