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Mobified critters need some toning down
So I unironically find bears and brullbars easier to fight than before, more consistent, y'know.

HOWEVER, I do agree with you specifically on one mob in particular.
Say hello to the hellspawn that is the scorpion.

A resilient mob with not only a knockdown AND bleeding, but a fancy neurotoxin (might actually have been nerfed to neurodepressant) sting! Oh what's that? You just got lucky because you survived a traitor shooting security? Well time to end your round because you stumbled upon four scorpions. Oh you are that same traitor escaping when things turned bad for you? Time to deadchat with your victims.

And of course, they would be fine... If they didn't spawn at random in the damn hallways and maints, in groups more often than not, without any special event or big warning about the dangers of stumbling into maintenance as if you were walking right into an AZone.

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RE: Mobified critters need some toning down - by StaringGasMask - 04-17-2023, 10:43 AM

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