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[CLOSED PR] Broken Bones, Casts, Splints, and Crutches
(04-16-2023, 01:52 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: Personally, i think reengagements should not happen that fast. Which is why i think punishing them taking avoidable injuries should be a way we should pursue further.

This is defitinatlly a good plus of the bone system, but I still like to discuss the cultural idea of it all.
"My bones are broken and take time to heal... better risk being cloned"

If anything a trial run wouldn't be a bad idea on RP, but on classic, people will hate it.

In my opinion lasting effects aren't bad, but if there is a faster way... players will take it.
If anything... breaking bones will just make antags focus on that.. as it disables someone from the fight and cloning won't unless they mass murder.
Also.. this will also bounce back in return to the antagonists.
Since.. while people in droves will jump on antags, die and respawn or heal and return... antags will get their bones broken AS WELL.

I can see this HEAVILY backfire for Nukies where their bones will break will be a huge handicap thenĀ "Random staffy number 21"
So not only will security and random staffies pounce nukies to break bones so they can't use their stuff or move around safely...
The nukies are now in a BIGGER disadvantage then before.
Unless you make em immune to bone breaking....

If anything to slow down re-engagements, I recommend other ways of doing so.
Maybe focus more on organ damage maybe? Weapons and chems that do more organ damage and slowly kill enemies.

But I think the problem with re-engagement is the fact that letting someone die SLOWLY and keeping them in crit for 5 minutes is more BENEFICAL then straight up death... And I don't think broken bones is the right way as it's a two way street.
Insted I just recommend more weapons that do lasting effects then expanding the damage system.

ESPECIALLY if cyborg limbs and skeletons rolling in calcium are gonna be counter plays.

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RE: [PR] Broken Bones, Casts, Splints, and Crutches - by Kotlol - 04-16-2023, 02:05 PM

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